Ewout & Jill de Vries worked in every facet of the travel business in Europe until they moved to New York City, in 1979, to open a US operation for a large European travel consortium. Two years later they started their own in-bound tour business in Florida, arranging travel in America for Europeans; hence the name America Travel Arrangements. Through these years Ewout also continued his journalistic work & photography.
The name has remained the same, but the modus operandi has changed. For 32 years, America Travel is now a full service travel agency selling tours and cruises and organizing specialized travel throughout the world. The present office, on beautiful Marco Island is unique, reflecting the atmosphere of exotic destinations from all over the world. Employees are well traveled and have been with the company for a minimum of fifteen years. Take a look at our special page "River Cruises." In addition to Avalon Waterways and Viking River Cruises, staff has sailed on, Uniworld on all European itineraries, in Russia, Asia, India and on the Amazon. Call us if you want to compare, or are interested in a product not listed.
Ewout Rijk de Vries also offers his education and many years of experience as a news photographer for your special event.

"One very early Sunday morning, from the middle of the street, I was able e to take this photo of the World Trade Towers in New York City. Little did I realize what a monumental photo this would become on September 11, 2001.
We will never forget, but we refuse to give up traveling and promoting friendships around the world through travel and through the lens of the camera!